Age Related
Look & Feel Younger
At SC21 Medical Clinic in Bangkok, we provide a unique approach treating ageing.
Ageing is the natural process of growing older. Yet there are many factors that play a role in whether we age gracefully or if we are the one out of two people who age faster than our biological age.
More than half of us look older than we really are because we either engage in behaviours that increase our ageing, or we do not actively support a more youthful body through inaction.
If you fall into this category of premature ageing, or you simply wish to prolong your youthfulness, SC21 could be the answer you are looking for. Contact us now to speak to one of our medical professionals who will help guild you through the process of becoming an SC21 patient.

Most Commonly Treated:
From the mid 20’s we begin to notice the first signs of ageing. The texture of our skin may begin to change, fine lines begin to appear, and wrinkles develop. These become more noticeable with the loss of
volume, and core components of the skin such as collagen and elastin.
Skin ageing takes place in every layer of the skin and shows itself on the surface.
1: Epidermal layers
A loss of hyaluronic acid content, slower cell turnover and reduction in sebum production on the skin’s surface makes roughness and dryness more likely. As this particular layer of the skin ages it becomes more sensitive to the sun’s rays. Skin is less efficient at healing itself, and a reduced immune function can lead to an increase in skin infections together with slower wound healing.
2: Dermal layers
From about the age of 25, collagen, one of skin’s building blocks, decreases by 1% each year. Together with a decline in functional elastin, this leads to dermal tissue disorganization. Skin structure is compromised and fine lines and wrinkles are more likely. As our skin matures, elasticity continues to reduce and deeper wrinkles form. The production of hyaluronic acid – plentiful in youthful skin – slows down, so skin cells are less effective at binding in water and skin is prone to dryness. It also becomes weaker and more prone to damage and broken capillaries. Reduced micro-circulation means a less efficient delivery of nutrition and oxygen to the surface, which leads to a decrease in the radiance enjoyed by youthful skin.
3: Subdermal layers
In the deeper layers, the most notable changes are the reduction in size and number of lipid-storing cells in the adipose layer. This results in sagging skin and a loss of volume and can lead to deep wrinkles and hollow temples and cheeks.
Our skin ages for a variety of different reasons. Many of the causes of skin aging are entirely natural and cannot be altered. There are, however, several factors that can cause skin to age prematurely, and these can be influenced. A holistic approach to lifestyle, medical treatments, and skincare can help to reduce the visible signs of skin ageing and prevent premature skin ageing.
Cells age based on the number of times they have replicated. A cell can replicate about 50 times before the genetic material is no longer able to be copied accurately, which is due to shortened telomeres. The more damage done to cells by free radicals and other factors, the more cells need to replicate.
Hormones play a huge factor in aging, especially during childhood growth and adolescent maturity. Hormone levels fluctuate through life. Puberty brings acne and larger pores. As we get older, hormonal changes lead to dry skin and menopause.
As you go about your day, your cells are constantly turning food into energy, which produces byproducts that can be harmful. The process of metabolising and creating energy results in damage to the body over time. Some believe that slowing down the metabolic process through practices such as calorie restriction may slow ageing in humans.
This one is the most obvious sign of ageing and it is sort of inevitable as you grow old, but it is a matter of concern if your hair starts to grey in your early 20s. Pollution, stress, hormones, diabetes and thyroid are the most major reasons why your hair greys prematurely.
If you notice hair loss over a period of time, then it is another sign of ageing. Lack of protein, iron deficiencies and crash dieting are some reasons why you lose hair, leading to hair ageing.
The reasons for your hair looking dull and lack lustre are many; premature ageing being one of them. Factors such as smoking, hormonal imbalances, product build-up, pollution, or overexposure to the sun can all lead to hair dullness.
What We Provide:
Our treatment programs for ageing are designed on an integrative approach. We combine a carefully selected group of treatments which act in a synergistic manner to provide the body with support in the many processes related to ageing.
Prices starting from: $3950 USD
Duration: 1, 3, or 5 days
- Free consultation & treatment planning
- Health check up and base line assessment
- SC21 program: 1, 3, or 5 day
- Daily personalised supportive therapy program
- Take home personalised treatment booster course
- Take home compounded nutrition pack
- Improve the Bodies Microenvironment
- Immune Modulation – Reduce Chronic Inflammation
- Support Cellular Health
- Encourage Repair & Regeneration
- Support Energy Production
- Boost Nutrition Levels
- Reduce Rate of Progression
- Rejuvenation on the inside and out
Supportive Treatments for Anti-ageing

Personalised Injection Program IV and Local (target area)

IV + Local Ozone, IV Nutrition, Amino-acids, and Enzymes

IV, Interstitial, Region of Interest and Whole Body Laser Therapy

Facial Lasers, Thread Lifting, and Topical Skin Treatments